Saturday, May 16, 2009


Above: Warren Firsts' Building Team--Camp "Island of Paradise"

(Above Picture..Ivanas-Assistant Superintendant; Rimas-Superintendant; Anthony Graffam, Sr Pastor Zephryhills, FL; Tony Graffam, Sr. Pastor Warren First)

This past month was a great month of true influence delivered thru the powerful Word of God. Pastor Anthony & Pastor Tony (my home church pastor) came to Lithuania with a fresh, new insight and one that is still resinating in the hearts of all that attended. This conference had over 170 participants, which is a good showing considering we only have 22 churches in the pentecostal union. We had 7 cities represented, and 5 different denominaions. The one day conference was empowering and leaving our nationals wanting more. Pastor Anthony covered servant leadership and Pastor Tony was right on target when he talked about visionary leadership. It was awesome.

While the pastors were not speaking at the conference, they each shared their time touring our Teen Challenge Centers, Our Child Crises Centers, Visiting our Street Children's programs where we partner with national leaders who have a passion to reach the lost.

Beizonys & 2nd House Youth Orphanages

I have the priveledge of visiting a few youth orphanages every month and teaching a Life Skills class. My objective here is to speak the Gospel truth into the lives of these youth. I pray that words are timely, encouraging and life giving. It is important since the suicide rate amongst children growing up in the orphanage system is out of control. That statistics are overwhelming. So, I go in with some topic that hopefully connects with them. Usually take some snacks, games and possible crafts. The youth honestly enjoy this time. I am hoping that more trust will be gain and I will be able to share even more about Gods' unconditional love. Pray for continual grace amongst the directors that this program may continue.

February & March

The goals in February and March were to catch up and visit with the current orphanages that our humanitarian aide, "Suteikime Vilti" "We offer hope" foundation had in my previous term. Making sure that we have a future to continue growing these relationships.

I visited 4 orphanages at the end of Febuary and beginning of March and 2 preventative care crises centers. In the meantime I'm working on makeing sure our KidsQuest project gets to print ontime for our Kick off which is in October in Panevezys. All of the visits have been positve and the Kidsquest is comig along. Pray that we get the final copy here soon so that this print can be complete.