Saturday, May 24, 2014

It's never good to forget your path traveled!

Just got home this week from a whirlwind of reconnections and fellowship.  Last week I was so blessed to fly out to my alma mater, formerly known as Zion--now it is relocated to a new campus with a new name; Northpoint Bible College.

Upon arrival, I was greeted with a brief time of fellowship with Dean Pat Gallagher;  he called a recent graduate Ian McCain to take me on a tour of the new campus.  It was impressive to see the new campus, their new location and yet still sense the same Spirit that I encountered while I was a student. After my tour, I was off to lunch with Assistant Academic Dean Helen Brouillette, and former classmate.  What an amazing woman she is and the students are definitely blessed to have Dean Gallagher and herself guiding and directing them with with Godly wisdom.

After lunch, Helen took me on a brief tour of the area and shared some American Mission History, which took place within a few blocks of the new campus--the connection to the vision and core values of the school was absolutely amazing. Sister Gibson, the founder of Zion, had such a powerful presence of God in her; it was evident she functioned with discernment & listened to the voice of God.  I do not believe that our new location is by chance; when you read about the history and have learned her heart for the school's future.  To know that this school was birthed with a vision of being, "the joy of the whole earth" is now nestled in the very town, where our nation's history of missions began is  NOT by chance--it holds significance!

Our nation's first missionaries were sent from this place,   Adoniram Judson, was one of the first missionaries sent from the U.S.A.  Northpoint's campus use to be known as Bradford College, where Ann Hasseltine Judson, graduated!!  Two weeks after her wedding she and Adoniram embarked on their first missonary trip to India and the following year they moved to Burma.

Also on my amazing journey back,  I was able to meet up with fellow students from my time:  Randy & Raelene Shibilo, Robert & Tammy Whitecotton along with a great evening spent with Jennifer Queen.

Then I was off  to reconnect with my home network, Ohio Ministry Network.  OMN 2014 was filled with some enthusiastic encouragement of conversations, and fellowships.  Celebrating one of  my colleagues Jan (Eric) Muzart was ordained this year. (Go Eurasia NW Ladies!) It was a blessing to fellowship with some wonderful missionaries Paul & Crystal Burkhart, Paul & Sharon Ellis, Bevan & Tia Haynes and so many others.

This was probably one of my most favorite OMN meetings, mostly because of the people who have impacted my life through the years, were there.  Thank you, Pastor John Wootton, Pastor Jim Palmer (who has been there every turn of the tide) they have been such an encouragement which has deeply touched my heart, faith & service.  It was wonderful to see Bro. Crabtree, who believed in my calling and gave the approval for my missionary journey.    I'm grateful for every department, for our leadership and most important for the genuine relationships that we are blessed to have in our network.  Jeffery & Heather Streets are my most amazing buddies!  I so appreciate Becky Garrett who always takes the time to meet up and chat--and for all she has pioneered into our children's ministries across our state--another amazing lady!  How can one express such gratitude with words that merely touch the surface and lack the depthness of matching emotion and truth.  Thank you OMN!  BTW I won the mini-ipad for Kidz Lithuania! (THANK YOU JEFFERY STREETS for registering me--I would have shared but this was a direct answer to Indre's prayers, in God meeting our technology needs)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ITINERATION--"A planned route or journey"

I cannot believe it has been eight months since I've returned to the states from Lithuania.  The process of Itineration this time has been with much more peace, as the planned route was by the most part completed in Lithuania, prior to arriving.  In the process of planning a route you truly never will comprehend or understand the journey that the Lord will have for you.  It is always about what He wants to grow in us.

Above is a song, the words and music written by Milda Volskaite, she is a sixteen year old lady who serves as a leader on our Kidz Lithuania team.  She has had an interesting journey, one thing I can definitely share about Milda--she is faithful.  I met Milda when she was about five years old, while visiting her family for dinner one afternoon after church in the small city of "Pabrade".  She was singing in her living room, and played her fiddle.

Everyone who knows Milda knows how amazingly talented she is.  I would say in all humbleness, that our group, Kidz Lithuania has been blessed to experience having the "Lazarus Generation of Youth".  This is what I believe: God is raising up a generation of young people that are "Tremendously Gifted & Talented, Tremendously Powerful, and in tune with the Holy Spirit"  This is the GENERATION of amazing triumphs!

In her own words she expresses in song about her own journey:  "Jesus will never leave you even if you will leave him. He will show you the way how to go to the truth where his love is very big"

I can personally say that Milda has shown great courage, strength and honesty as we have worked through many bumps in the road--she is amazingly faithful and has shown great inner strength--more than she knows.  I am confident that she will continue to grow stronger in her faith.  She struggles with the "what ifs" in life; her greatest enemy at times being herself.  I think many wrestle with the Lord in this way--what I love about Milda is that she continues to "press on" wanting to figure out how to keep moving forward even when she doesn't feel like it, or the enemy attacks.  Please pray for this amazing young lady, there are many battles she has won with the help of the Lord--but we all know the enemy will continue to attack.  He does not enjoy and he fears when Milda matures even more in the Lord--She will be a Super Young Lady, "A LAZARUS GENERATION", walking in "Strength in the Lord" with undeniable testimony!!!!  (I Love  &  Miss you Milda)

In June, my plans will have a little bend in the road--As I have mentioned, we have plans but Jesus is more into the complete Journey.  I will have knee surgery and be out of commission for about 10-12 weeks--please know I will be on the phone after the medications wear off and continue to book services.  We need your help to get back to Lithuania soon, with a full budget so that we can continue our Journey! 

God is gracious and good and we are blessed that even when our plans get disrupted we know Jesus is right there..with His VERY BIG LOVE!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I'm Coming Home, I'm Coming Home!

After serving ten years in Lithuania and being home for six months I can say that home is where your heart is and as much as I love being here in the USA visiting family, friends, partners and being inspired in every gathering; whether it is just a group of friends, a time of worship with all the churches. My heart still yearns to be in Lithuania.

There is a song i hear on T.V. that goes like this:  "I'm coming home, I"m coming home, Let the whole world know I"m coming home."  It just sparks greater faith and desire to return to Lithuania.

Kidz Lithuania ministries have continued to move forward while i"m here in the states.  I'm so proud of Indre Malacekaite and Mindaugas Volskas who are leading the team. We just added another young man to our team from our Jonava center.  It is exciting to hear my young leaders say, "it is really cool to see where we came from; because when we add a new person it encourages us to see where we were at one time in our lives and where the new members will go."  What a privilege, growth and fruit are undeniably exciting.

In the past few months they have continued with outreaches, and filming, while weekly inquiring about when they can begin to prepare for my return.

Be a part of my return and step out in Faith and allow me to return this summer!  God is amazing and I've been blessed and hold onto great hope that after only 9 months of itineration I will have to have surgery with a three month recovery.  I'm praying that God will open hearts during that time and understand I need to be "Home".

Continue to pray for one of our area countries, the nation of Ukraine that is going thru difficult time.  Pray for stamina, peace, and safety for all there.